Personal injury attorney answers: How do you deal with an insurance company after a car crash?

(dramatic music) – [Narrator] Bringing you the best of local Atlanta
businesses in two minutes. This is "The Daily 2." (dramatic music) (screen whooshes) – Hi, and welcome to "The Daily 2." Joining us today is Montlick
Injury attorney, Sara Root. Sara is known for being
a tenacious litigator and a dedicated advocate for the injured. She's a member of the Georgia
Trial Lawyers Association and has been practicing law since 2008. Welcome, Sara. – Hi, Jenn. – Sara, after an accident,
what should someone do, if the insurance company asks for a recorded statement? – You need to be very careful, because the insurance company's
always looking for ways to minimize or deny your claim. – So it's important not
to automatically say yes? – The thing to remember is this: If the insurance company asks
you for a recorded statement, always speak with an attorney first, because you never want to say anything the insurance company could
misinterpret or use against you.
– Okay, can you give
us an example of this? – Sure. Say you're in a sudden crash, that was not your fault, and your family sustained
multiple injuries. During the recorded statement, the insurance company
asks how you're all doing, and just being polite, you
say, "We're doing okay," even though you're in a lot of pain. The insurance company
could use that statement to argue you're not really
hurt to try to pay you less. – So speaking with an
attorney first helps people from saying something that
might hurt their claim later? – Yes, and that is something we'd be happy to discuss further with anyone
who's in that situation.
We offer a free consultation to anyone injured in an accident. You can speak with a Montlick attorney and ask whatever questions you have at no cost or obligation. – And when someone signs on as
a client, what happens then? – As your legal counsel, we can speak directly to the
insurance company for you. – Very good to know, thank you so much, Sara. And remember, you can
request a free consultation by calling Montlick at 1-800-LAW-NEED. I'm Jenn Hobby with "The Daily 2." (dramatic music) (screen whooshes).
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