My claim was Denied! Bad Faith Insurance Claims - Dennis Jones Attorney

My name is Dennis Neil Jones and for more than 30 years I’ve battled insurance companies on behalf of policyholders. If your insurance company has improperly denied your claim or if its lowballed the settlement amount of your claim. I’d like to help. I also handle 3rd party insurance claims. Third party claims arise when the policyholder is sued by a third party. Sometimes an insurer will refuse to defend its policyholder on invalid grounds. This can be financially devastating to the policyholder, because legal fees and cost of litigation are extremely high, Sometimes exceeding 100 000 per case. When that happens, it’s. My practice to first write a letter to the insurer explaining why a defense is owed. Frequently one letter is all it takes for the insurer to reconsider it’s coverage position and agree to defend. When that doesn’t work, I sue insurers then file motions asking the court to order the insurance company to defend. I also represent professionals such as Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Accountants, Real Estate Brokers and others in professional liability coverage cases. I also represent patients in connection with the denial of large medical claims. I’ll give you an example. A few years ago, our client developed non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and was pre approved for 4 Rituximab treatments at UCLA, But these treatments are very expensive: 15 500 per treatment. Although our client was pre, approved by Anthem, Blue Cross, the insurer denied all 4 claims. Totaling. 62 000. It’s excuse was that after it pre approved the treatments, a contract dispute developed between the insurance company and the provider. In this case UCLA, I considered that excuse to be BS, and I wrote a series of nasty letters, Anthem, ultimately, mailed 4 checks for 15 500. To my client. We did not have to file a lawsuit. I can’t always turn a claim denial into acceptance of the claim without filing a lawsuit, but I always try, Please feel free to call me at 805, 644. 7188.
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