Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Attorney - Don't Get Left with the Bill

Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Attorney – Don't
Get Left with the Bill “Hospital” Hospital hallway. A doctor hurriedly pushes a pregnant woman
(30) on a gurney with husband along side. Doctors and nurses criss-cross; the scene
is hectic. >>VO: “When you need hospital care…” An INSURANCE REP (in the vein of Allstate
Mayhem guy) is revealed on the other side of the gurney, also keeping the wife company. His manner seems caring, but has a slick,
slimy undertone. >>VO: “…your insurance company says they’ll
be there for you all the way.” Hospital room. Wife is delivering her baby, straining. Husband is on one side of her. Insurance rep is on the other, holding her
A DOCTOR (male, 50s) is between wife’s legs
delivering the baby. Later. Wife and husband coo over the baby. Insurance guy coos as well. The doctor steps up and holds out a BILL (looks
like a restaurant bill) to the insurance rep. >>VO: “And then, when the bill comes…” He’s gone. >>VO: “…they’re gone.” She looks up at the doctor, who shakes his
head a little. He’s seen this before. He ponders… >>VO: “but what if your hospital could help
make them pay…” The doctor thinks for a second, then squats
down. He lifts up the bed-skirt. REVEAL: The insurance rep is under the hospital
bed, hanging upside-down from the under-side of the mattress. He smiles sheepishly. The doctor holds out the bill to the insurance
rep. >>VO: “Stephenson, Acquisto & Colman. We help hospitals and we can help you make
sure your insurance company pays their fair share.” Visit us online at sacfirm.com the Los Angeles
Insurance Bad Faith Atttorneys. Title Card: Logo. The Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Attorney
“The Law Offices of Stephenson, Acquisto & Colman.
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