How To Protect Yourself Against Bad Faith Claims

Hi, it’s, injury attorney, Anh, Phoong and today,’s topic is going to be Bad Faith Claims against your own, auto insurance. So your insurance has a duty to act in good faith and fair dealing when it comes to providing coverage for you.
So if you get into an auto accident, your insurance has a duty to investigate and they have to do it promptly.
So let’s say, for example, if your insurance doesn’t investigate the claim, let’s say you put in a uninsured motorist, bodily injury claim they take six months to respond or they deny or wrongfully deny it.
Then they could be held in bad faith because if they’re not acting promptly and they’re not acting in good faith, But it is a hard legal concept to prove.
So if you do feel like your insurance is acting in bad faith, please make sure you hire a skilled attorney who does bad faith actions? Ok, thank you.
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