Has Provident Insurance Company Denied your Long Term Disability Insurance Claim?

Has Provident Life an accident Insurance Company Denied you Long Term Disability Insurance claim? Hi I'm Marc Whitehead a Board Certified Disability Insurance Lawyer federal Court records will show Hundreds of civil actions filed against Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company Our Law Firm routinely represents Provident Life Policy holders in such disputes regarding their denial of insurance benefits including disability insurance If Provident Life rejected your disability claim or payments are slow to arrive without cause Make sure you are represented by Attorneys who can fight for you effectively the history behind provident life consists of mergers and acquisitions Provident Life is actually a predecessor company of UNUM the worlds largest disability insurance company founded in 1887, Provident Life and accident insurance company began as a provider of rail road insurance.
They've progressed by selling long term disability policies in 1939. By 1997 Provident life was acquired by Paul Revere Life Insurance Company two years later provident life merged with UNUM to form UNUM Provident Corporation Finally in 2007 UNUM Provident Corporation changed it's name to UNUM In the years prior to merging of these companies and corporate name changes Provident Life and Accident sold thousands of Long Term Disability Insurance policies. Many old Paul Revere Policies or Paul Revere Provident Insurance policies still exist as well. Currently when our Firm represents disability claims disputes against Provident
or Paul Revere or Provident Life and Accident Our Attorneys actually handle the Claim against UNUM Provident Life has a Long History against Unfair claims denials In 2004 a full investigation against insurance regulators in all
50 states determined that Bad Faith denials of legitimate claims were being performed by Provident, UNUM and Paul Revere These bad faith practices stem from the mid 1990's Thousands of Long Term policies were denied due to bad faith insurance practices contract misinterpretation, cutting corners, unfair medical evaluations and many more unjust review and settlement tactics.
If you have a dispute with Provident Life for wrongful
denial, delay or termination of benefits. Marc Whitehead and Associates can help you take a stand against this insurance company Our Attorneys have years a specific experience with Provident Life and Accident disability claims This topic is discussed more in my free Ebook: Long Term Disability Insurance Policies: How to Unravel the Mystery and Prove your Claim visit www.disabilitydenials.com for a free downloadable copy of call 1-800-562-9830 to discuss your particular disability insurance issue I'm Marc Whitehead, thanks for watching!.
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