What if I am at fault in an auto accident? [Personal Injury Attorney] | California Auto Accident Lawyers
![What if I am at fault in an auto accident? [Personal Injury Attorney] | California Auto Accident Lawyers](https://images.pexels.com/photos/1486188/pexels-photo-1486188.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=650&w=940)
Hi, I want to go over what to do if you are at fault in an auto accident. So, I always represent people who are not at fault in auto accidents – pursuing the at-fault driver. But, it’s important to know that if you are at fault in an accident, what are some of the things your insurance company will do and what do you need to do to make sure you protect yourself. So, you obviously have, or should have auto insurance coverage.
If you are involved in an auto accident typically your insurance company is going to tell you not to admit fault at the scene. If you were involved in an auto accident the first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. And notify them regarding the accident itself. And that’s why you have insurance, quite honestly. So, once you’ve been involved in the accident, you contact your insurance company.
And they take over the process from there and, contacting the other people, contacting the other people’s insurance company, contacting the other person’s lawyer, and trying to get any claims resolved on your behalf within your policy limit.
Now, typically if the other person, if they are unable to resolve it and the other person follows a lawsuit against you, your insurance company will come in. They will provide a defense on your behalf at no cost. Which means they will provide a lawyer to defend you and try to resolve the case within your policy limits. So the best thing for you to do, if you are at fault in an accident is just comply with whatever request your insurance company is asking you to do.
Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. And if they have questions that they need you to answer regarding the accident you’ve got an obligation to answer them. And what you don’t want to have happen is your insurance company can say, ‘Look, you’re not cooperating with us.
We’re going to void coverage so good luck to you in resolving the claims against you.’ That’s obviously something you don’t want.
So, best thing for you, notify your insurance company immediately, cooperate with them. And chances are, they are going to be able to resolve it for you. So if you have any questions or you’d like to comment, please do so below. And we will also provide a link in the description which will allow you to go to our website and read more information..
someone who's seriously injured in an automobile accident, in California, is generally going to have tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses. They can have a huge amount of lost wages. They may even have a permanent injury that affects them their whole entire life. They need to recover the money from the people who are responsible. If you've been injured in a car accident, even if it's a relatively minor one of what we call a fender bender don't think that you don't need to hire an attorney.
The insurance companies have the best attorneys fighting for them. You need an experienced attorney fighting for you, gathering evidence, getting your medical bills taken care of, and fighting for you in court if necessary. It may seem like a small case but they are not. If you are in an automobile accident and you make a claim for your injuries every dollar that the adjuster saves off of your claim goes to profit for the insurance company. It is ten times more important to an insurance company to save a dollar on your claim then it is to give a dollar of premium.
Is your claim going to get settled to your best advantage or the insurance companies best advantage? If you've been involved in an automobile accident do you need a personal injury attorney? Maybe yes maybe no. One thing is for sure that you need is a consultation. Get a consultation with an attorney who will speak to you straight and answer questions and you will find out whether or not you need an attorney.
If you have been injured in a car accident case, in California, no matter where in California whether it's San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, Compton, San Francisco contact us. BISNAR | CHASE has been specializing in car accident cases since 1978. That's 29 years of experience fighting for you in a car accident case anywhere in California.
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